Mister Postbot
Download here version 1.5 of mister postbot.
Copy this script to the root of your phpbb3 forum, and edit it in notepad or something. After every variable is an description what it is and a example.
Good luck!
Download here some other examples.

(his avatar :) (dont hotlink) made by killersponge.nl)

Example of a config:
$config['GebruikersID']='53'; //The user id of the user which will post the news.
$config['IP_adres']=''; //the ip address of the user whick will post the news (choose anything you like)
$config['ForumID']='2'; //the id of the forum the news will be posted in
$config['IcoonID']='0'; //The id of the icon in front of the topics of the news

$config['Enable_BB']='1'; //check the checkbox 'ebable bb code' in every post? (if you change this the bot won't work correct anymore)
$config['Enable_smileys']='1'; //check the checkbox "enable smileys" in ervery post?
$config['Enable_magicurl']='1'; //Same as above but for magic url
$config['Enable_onderschrift']='1'; //same as above but for signature

$config['RSS_feed']='http://www.webwereld.nl/rss.php'; //url to the rss feed of your choice
$config['Start_bericht']='0'; //Where does the bot need to start posting? (0 is standard, choose 1 or 2 if the feed has spam on top of it)
$config['Eind bericht']='9'; //where does the bot need to stop posting from the feed? (9 is standard, choose a lower one if here aren't 10 news items in the feed)
$config['Titel_begin']='0'; //Choose the character where the topic title needs to begin with (0 is standard, choose a higher one if there is spam at the beginning of a topic title)
$config['Onderwerp_grootte']='100'; //Don't change, if you change, the bot won't work correctly anymore (this is the size of the subject field in the database)
$config['HTML_toestaan']=''; //The html codes which are accepted in the forum and which you accept in the news items
$config['maak_utf8']=0; //make it 1 if you have problems with óöòê or some of this characters. Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.
$config['maak_ISO-8859-1']=0; //make it 1 if you have problems with óöòê or some of this characters. Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.
$config['Charset']='ISO-8859-1'; //The character set of the feed. ISO-8859-1 is standard.
$config['Title_nopost']=array('Advertentie','Webwereld-podcast','NerdTV'); //An array with topic titles (or first characters only) which won't be posted (in case the feed has spam on random locations)
$config['Charset_fix']=0; //Fixes some problems with '". Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.

$config['Beschrijving']='description'; //How is the description field called in the feed?
$config['Titel']='title'; //How is the title field called in the feed?
$config['Link']='link'; //how is the link field called in the feed?